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School Staff

Senior Leadership Team

Mr K John (Headteacher)
Mr O Borkowski (Deputy Headteacher: Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment)
Ms E Jones (Deputy Headteacher: Student Outcomes)
Mrs G Knights (Deputy Headteacher: Student Personal Development, Welfare & Behaviour)
Mrs S Plunkett (Assistant Headteacher: SENCO, Inclusion)
Mrs N Skarzynski (Assistant Headteacher: Teaching and Learning)
Mr B Coggan (Assistant Headteacher: Behaviour and Safeguarding)
Miss J Miller (School Business Manager)

Associate Leaders

Miss R Fisher (Associate Leader: Scholars and Literacy Strategy)
Mr J Dovey (Associate Leader: ECTs and Health & Social Care)
Mrs S Glover (Associate Leader: Raising Standards)
Mr B Bibb (Associate Leader: Maths and Numeracy Strategy)
Mr L Jones (Associate Leader: Personal Development & Equalities)

Heads of Houses

Mr A Darmanin (Topaz)
Mrs J Goss (Amethyst)
Mrs L Kenny & Miss Kiernan (Ruby)
Mrs R Lambert (Sapphire)
Miss L Meaden (Emerald)
Mr P Toovey (Quartz)
Mrs K Shackell (Director of Y6-Y7 Transition)

Heads of Departments

Miss R Fisher (English)
Mr B Bibb (Maths)
Ms D Proctor (Science)
Mrs C Rose-Burns (Art)
Mr A Margilewski (Business)
Mrs K Al Dabagh (Careers/PSHE)
Mr G Matharu (Computer Science)
Miss C Oram (Drama)
Mrs R Chidgey (Geography)
Mrs A Binding (History)
Mr L Jones (Languages)
Mr R Walker (Music)
Mrs B Edwards (Physical Education - Strategy)
Mr S Jones (Physical Education - Operations)
Mrs P Timms Blanch (RE & Psychology)
Mr C Elsey (Technology)

Middle Leadership - Support Staff

Mrs H Fisher (Business Communications Manager)
Mr J Wilcox (Operations Manager & Site Management)


Mrs S Holloway (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Miss B Fenner (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Mrs S Cutts, Mrs S Lucas & Mrs L Dodgson (Attendance)
Mr G Heskins (Pastoral Support)
Mrs K Johnson (Pastoral Support)
Ms R McDaniel (Pastoral Support)
Rev L Toms (Pastoral Support)
Ms N Tickner (Parent Support Worker)
Mrs J Holman (Parent Support Worker)

Emotional Support/ELSA

Ms A Ball
Mrs S Brant
Mrs M Pascoe

Additional Staff

Miss C Barnes (LAC Champion)
Mrs S Cairns (Pupil Premium Progress)
Mrs J Hale (Student Data and Edulink)
Mrs S Carr-Crompton (Exams Officer)
Mrs S Key (Data & Progress Reporting Officer)
Miss J Ballard & Mrs M Coleman (Student Health & Welfare Officers)
Mrs M Beacroft (School Direct)
Mrs S Booker (PA to the Headteacher)
Mrs G Pugh (Admissions)
Mrs S Eastlake (Librarian)
Mrs H Hutton (Website)