Interview Expectations

What can you expect when you interview at Calthorpe Park?

The interview is a chance for you to decide whether working at Calthorpe Park is for you as much as it is for us to decide whether you would be a great fit for our school.  Depending on the role, see below for the typical activities you can expect when you come to Calthorpe Park for an interview.

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All roles

  • Tour of the school
  • Department ‘meet and greet’
  • Face to Face interview – typically minimum of two interviewers or a panel interview for more senior roles
  • Safeguarding focus – either task or interview questions.  Please click here for further information on our approach to Safeguarding

Teaching roles only

  • Conducting a lesson

Senior Roles e.g. Senior Leadership Team

We run assessment days for our more senior roles such as Assistant or Deputy Headteacher.  In addition to the activities above, we may also include:

  • Group activity
  • Presentation
  • Data task
  • Observing a lesson
  • Delivering an assembly


When you come for an interview, you may be asked for proof of qualifications, your right to work in the UK. eg. copies of visas or passports and your DBS check.  It may be handy to have these documents ready for when we request them!

Preparing for an interview

For further information on how to prepare for interviews, you may find these websites useful: – Interview Tips

Indeed – How to Prepare for an Interview

Please contact School Recruitment if you have any queries about our vacancies.