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Governor Introductions

Introducing the school governors

It may seem that the school Governing Body is a mysterious group who live in the shadows. The reality is that we are mixed group of people from different backgrounds who share one common interest, ensuring that the school is being managed in a manner that ensures the best learning environment for our students.

As you’ll see from our bios below we are a mix of parents and ex-parents of Calthorpe Park students and so all have a vested interest in ensuring that we deliver the best experience for our children.

Jonathan Phillips – Chair of Governors

Jonathan has been a governor at Calthorpe Park for nearly ten years joining when his son, now 22, attended the school and thought it would be interesting to gain insight into the world of secondary education. He works for himself supporting businesses undertaking key business change/IT activities.

He is currently Chair of Governors, meeting with the Headteacher regularly as well as providing leadership to the governor group. Jonathan is very passionate about the school and tries to attend as many events as possible whilst leading a busy business and family life too.

Jeff Kelsey

Jeff is our longest serving governor.   Prior to moving to Fleet, he spent 5 years as a governor at a primary school in Yorkshire.  Jeff has his own consultancy business providing support to the chemical industry on product health and environmental safety and regulatory toxicology.  Jeff is currently chair of our Finance and Personnel committee.  He has in the past served as both chair and vice-chair of the full governing body.

Angus Chapman

Angus is a Chartered Mechanical Engineer and has lived in Fleet since 1997 having relocated his family from Scotland to continue his career in the oil, gas and petrochemical sector. Since retired, he joined the Governing Board in December 2019 and is enjoying the new challenges set in this new role. He hopes he can contribute to the ongoing success of Calthorpe Park School.

Ruth Wilcox

My children have been attending Calthorpe Park School since 2016 and I joined the governing body in 2019 as a parent governor to both learn more about the school and hopefully contribute in some way to its continued success.  I enjoy visiting the school regularly and meeting with staff and students to find out first-hand what it’s like to work and learn here.

My background is in physics and engineering, and I currently work for a development and consultancy technology company.

Jo Dewing

I have been a governor for four years and have a special interest in Teaching and Learning at Calthorpe Park. I have two sons who have been through the school and a third currently attending.  Seeing my own children and other students benefit from their time here has led me to want to make a contribution myself, using my skills from a career in management consultancy and my experience from different areas of voluntary work. 

Lucy Morgan

I feel passionately about the continuing and ever improving quality of education at CPS and am delighted to be able to contribute again.  I was a governor at Calthorpe Park from 1988 to 2010 and am proud to be part of the school team again with my grandchildren now enjoying this very special opportunity in our community. 

Mark Russell

Mark moved to Fleet in 2019 and is Chief Executive of The Children’s Society, one of the UK’s largest children’s charities.  He is deeply committed to helping children thrive, and moved to Fleet from Sheffield, where he was a Governor of a Special Needs School.   Originally from Northern Ireland, Mark’s background is in front line youth work. He tweets @markrusselluk

Chris Eaton

Chris has lived in Fleet for 10 years and has a daughter in year 7. He has a long career in IT, holding senior positions in several household brand companies. He hopes his experience and knowledge can contribute to the ongoing success of Calthorpe.