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This is our "Frequently Asked Questions" area of the school website and we have included information or links here that we hope you will find useful.  We aim to provide plenty of helpful details about our school - if you would like to see a specific query answered on this page, please click here.

Query: When are the INSET days, end of term and holiday dates?

Answer: Please check the link on the front page of the website labelled Term Dates.  The page will be updated on a regular basis as and when we set various activities within school.  The School Calendar is also a good place to check for events, and this also includes INSET days and holidays.

Query: Is my child doing an after-school sporting activity and if so, what time will it finish?


Answer:  We must emphasize that students need to keep up-to-date with sporting fixtures by checking the PE notice board and inform parents.  We can't always give definite finish times as this will sometimes depend on the activity, traffic, etc.

Query: What are the times of the school day, ie. lessons and breaks?

Answer:  Students should be on site by the start of the school day at 8.35am for registration, tutor time and/or assembly.  Lessons are 50 minutes long with the first one starting at 9.05 and the second at 9.55.  Morning break is 15 minutes long at 10.45, with lessons 3 and 4 starting at 11 and 11.50 respectively.  Lunch starts at 12.40 and finishes at 1.15 when the bell rings for afternoon registration.  Students go to lesson 5 where they are registered before a second bell rings for the start of the lesson at 1.20, with the final lesson of the day at 2.10 before school finishes at 3pm. 

Query: How do I contact a member of staff?

Answer:  Start by calling Reception who are able to pass a message on to the relevant person.  Be aware that most staff are teaching during the day and are only able to check their messages/emails at break, lunch or after school.  If you would like to email a senior member of staff, go to this page which gives email addresses for the Headteachers, Assistant Heads, the Heads of Houses and Department Heads.

Query: When can School Polo shirts be worn?

Answer: School polo shirts are only worn in the summer term, when we return after the Easter holidays to the start of the summer holidays in July.  They are an optional item available to order, see the Uniform page.  If your child chooses to continue wearing a normal school shirt, then a tie must still be worn, but if wearing a school polo shirt, no tie is required.

Query: My child has lost an item of uniform/PE kit.

Answer: The first thing we would ask is that the student has a really thorough look around school.  Very often, a quick retrace of their steps and a visit to a previous classroom/library reunites them with the item!  If a labelled item of clothing is found, every effort is made to return this to the student.  Unlabelled items are kept for some time in an area outside the medical room before being donated to charity.  Please can we re-emphasise again how important it is that all items brought into school are labelled!

Query: My child is on a school trip - what time will they return?

Answer: You should have received information in advance giving details about departure and return times.  However, if there is a significant change, students on the trip are encouraged to contact parents to let them know the new arrival time.