Basingstoke College of Technology Taster Day Careers Trip

Please note that all of the details provided below are SUBJECT TO CHANGE.  The illustrations are taken from previous years’ trips and cannot be guaranteed.    

Audience: Y10 Selected Students 
Trip Organiser: Ms B Wayman (Teacher of RE & Careers Lead)                                      
Approx Cost Per Pupil: No charge
Pupil Premium Criteria: Not applicable
Limited Places: 15 (By invitation)
Usual Month of Departure: July (Dates to be confirmed in the trip Bulletin)
Opens for Registrations: TBC
Usual Duration: 1/2 Day
Departs & Returns in School Hours: Yes
Packed Lunch Required: No
Term Time or Holiday: Term time
Method(s) of Transport: Minibus
Venue: Basingstoke College of Technology

Eligible students will be invited to register for this trip and issued with a Trip Confirmation Letter.



College Taster Day is a great opportunity for students to get a first-hand experience of what college courses can offer, see the state-of-the-art facilities, get an insight into different industries and participate in three different activities of their choice.


Art and Design 

Create and design your own characters using a whole range of different materials and techniques. Once you have designed your characters you will then reproduce your designs in our computer suite using specialist software - Marvellous Designer, to bring your characters to life! 


Animal Management 

You will start with an Introduction talk with the course director to learn more about our Animal Management course and what is available here at BCoT. You will then have a tour of our Animal Discovery Centre to see the wide variety of animals that live on sight with us and learn more about how our students help look after them. You will then take part in an Animal Modelling Activity.



Part Identification (30mins) - visitors will complete a parts identification on various car parts and where to locate them on a light goods vehicle.  

Pit Stop Challenge (30mins) - After a safety talk and explanation of the task, visitors will go against the clock removing and reinstalling a car wheel using air powered tools safely and effectively.  



Learn how to cut patterns on head blocks, style hair and understand the basic history of barbering. 


Beauty Therapy 

An introduction into the world of anatomy and physiology that underpins all Beauty Therapy services. Later in the session we will explore the practical skills required for hair removal, both temporary and permanent including warm wax, hot wax, bleaching, epilation and laser. 



Get a taste of running a business by developing a product, creating the brand, planning the marketing and promoting your product. 


Catering and Hospitality 

First, test your baking skills and learn a new technique by making choux pastry swans. Then watch a live demonstration and have a go at making your own Mocktails.  



Interested in ‘building’ a career within Construction? You will have the opportunity to partake in either a bricklaying or carpentry skills/techniques workshop and to understand some of the fundamentals associated within this exciting sector. 



A taste of our IT and Computing courses which will include coding activities, some encryption and cyber security elements and quizzes. 


Health and Social Care 

Experience our health and social care course by learning about patient care and skills for working in a hospital and healthcare environments. 


Early Years 

Try out our baby simulators and practice nappy changing and care modes. 



Does a career as an Electrician ‘spark’ your interest? Find out more about domestic and commercial systems, tour the workshops and get hands-on experience and an understanding of some of the funder metals associated with this sector. 



Team building challenge, the importance of working as part of a collaborative team with good communications skills and brief overview of the scope scale and demand of engineering in the local area. CAD MasterClass, visitors will be invited to our Computer Aided Design (CAD) suite where they will use our AutoDesk package to create a 2D design.  



Using our DSLR cameras and professional photography studio explore a range of photography techniques to take amazing photos! 


Games Art and Design 

Using Unreal Game Engine explore game level design and blockouts to understand how games are created! 



Explore careers and opportunities within the hairdressing industry, completing a style that’s prom ready! 



Ever wondered how cuts, burns and bruises are made to look so real in films and on TV? This taster session will provide some insight on how they do it plus you’ll have the chance to achieve realistic looking full tissue thickness burns quickly, easily and effectively with no pain or long lasting effects! 


Plumbing & Gas 

Does a career as a Plumber ‘tap’ into your interest? Find out more about domestic and commercial heating, hot and cold water systems and some of the fundermetals associated with this sector.


Public Services 

Leadership tasks, the students are provided with an evolving incident tabletop exercise created to develop leadership skills. 

Communication tasks: In the lower car park students are split into 2 teams, we can set out 2 routes using cones, one member from each team is in the end zones, the team member in the end zones has to verbally direct the other students who are blind folded through the path. If they step out of the path they end up in a minefield. 

Team work: Equipment carry. 2 teams have various pieces of gym equipment, set out to look like a cannon, the teams have to run down, collect the equipment, carry it back to the start point and reassemble in the shape of a cannon. This will be a race between the 2 teams. 


Travel and Tourism 

Find out more about College Life, Trips, Employer Links and Student Success Stories. Enjoy a Tourism Quiz, Statue of Liberty Activity and Safety Demonstration/Country Pictionary!