Student Year 6-7 Transition

An initial welcome:

Transferring from primary to secondary school can be an unsettling time for both pupils and their families.  We hope that the programme of events that are organised will give potential new Year 7 students all the opportunity to feel confident about changing schools, and to look forward to a new start in September.

The amount of information contained within our school website can be daunting at first so we have included some vital links for you here. This means you will be able to come to this page for the first few months when your child has joined Year 7 and easily find answers to many queries you may have by following these links.

We hope these web pages will help answer questions which new students and their families may have.

Calthorpe Park School will provide new students with the opportunity to do lots of new things; to meet and make lots of new friends, to work with new teachers and to explore some new subjects.

Admissions Criteria:

As a Hampshire school we use the agreed Hampshire County Council’s Admissions Criteria during the process of considering whether we should offer places to new students. A copy of the current criteria document is provided via the link below.

The main stages in the application process:

Initial information: The process begins late in Year 5 while the child is at Junior School.  Mrs Shackell, our Director of Student Transition, keeps in close contact with all our main Junior School feeders and proactively shares information about key dates and the application process. Parents of children at other Junior Schools should contact us around June (Year 5 child age) so that we can provide information directly.

Open Days: During the Autumn term we arrange an Open Evening and Open Mornings at School for interested families of children in Year 6.  During this time we provide tours around our school, the Headteachers give a welcoming address in our auditorium hall and information is shared to all linked Junior Schools and posted on our website, on this page.

  • Status: Our Open Evening was held on 19 September and Open Mornings were on 23-25 September 2024

Application Submission Deadline: The submission date for on-time applications for a Year 7 place in September each year is at the end of October whilst the child is in Year 6.  If a family wishes to make a late application they should urgently contact our Admissions Officer at School.

  • Status:  The deadline for on-time applications for a Year 7 place in September 2025 was 31 October 2024, using the online form at the Hampshire County Council page here.

Application Outcome: Families who made an on-time application for a place at a Secondary School in Hampshire will be informed of the outcome on 3 March.  Letters describe the outcome of the application and what the next step needs to be for the applicant.

  • Status: Following the on-time deadline (as above) all applications were processed and decisions were made based on our Admissions Criteria.  Applicants were informed of the outcome of this process by email on 3 March 2025 for online applicants, and by letter on 3 March 2025 for paper applications.

Induction Days: For students who successfully gain a Year 7 place at our School we will arrange an Induction programme in the summer term.  Further details regarding this will be provided here and shared via Junior Schools.

  • Status: Notice of details will be provided here.

Additional Help and Advice

At any point during the process outlined above, if a parent would like further help or advice they should contact our transition team who will be able to assist with their query and pass onto the relevant member of staff if necessary.

Additional resources and guidance can be found via the links below: