Welcome & Introduction

We value highly our partnership with our parents and carers and welcome feedback on any aspect of school life. We invite stakeholders to contact us at any point of the year in order to communicate their experiences of Calthorpe Park School and we appreciate feedback in any form in order to continually improve the education and service we provide for young people.

Email addresses, enquiry and feedback forms can be found on our 'Contact Us' pages, there are email addresses, enquiry and feedback forms. We monitor these regularly in order to inform improvements and reply to concerns. 

We are always trying to improve the way we communicate and share information with parents and our school website has been designed with this in mind.  We have formulated some hints and tips to aid your navigation of our site:

  • If we have any urgent or vital messages these are shown in the Announcement bar running just below the main photos on the home page.
  • Our main notices appear on our Noticeboard.  This is at the bottom of the home page, or you can find them by selecting Notices in the News menu.  These notices will generally include information about forthcoming events and trips over the next few days, along with any vital messages from school.  These are updated regularly during the week so can be checked at any time.
  • Also on our front page are some quick links to take you to key areas.  These are currently our school calendar, a list of key dates and our Rights Respecting page.
  • Use the menus at the top of the page to explore the site further too - About Us includes a welcome from the Headteacher, our Ethos and Values, and details of the Calthorpe Way.  The Home menu shows our latest Ofsted Reports, a link to the DfE Performance Tables, and our School Improvement Plan.
  • Information contains details of our term dates, calendar, and policies, under News, we have sections for news, letters, notices and newsletters, with additional information in the Students and Parents menus.
  • For anyone wishing to join the school, whether this is a new student, member of staff or as a trainee teacher, there is information in the Joining Us menu.
  • Letters are issued via Edulink and uploaded to the Letters section (in the News menu).  If you are not receiving emails from us and would like to sign up please contact Mrs Hale.

To enhance parent and student navigation of our systems, we have adopted the EdulinkOne interface which allows parents to access a wealth of information including student reports, attendance data, and monitor student homework. This platform can be used from desktop and mobile devices and is the mechanism that we use for booking Parental Consultation Events, setting homework and messaging parents and students directly. It can also be used for reporting student absence and submitting electronic replies to ‘forms’. All students and parents receive a log-in for this system. Anybody experiencing any difficulties with this system should contact Mrs Hale in our Registry Office.

In addition to our website, we also enjoy a presence on social media. Do follow us on X, Instagram and Facebook.