External Examinations

Hall Large 2

External Examinations

Individual student timetables will be available nearer the time on Edulink

All exams are run in accordance with the official Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) Rules and Regulations. The key points of these are summarised in posters outside the Exam rooms. All candidates are required to know what these key points are, and abide by them

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Why are mocks run as though they were real GCSEs?

his is your chance to practice for the real exams, bringing the correct pens and equipment and learning how to follow the JCQ regulations in full. Your mock results could contribute towards your GCSE grade in the event that exams are cancelled for any reason and may be used to predict your grade for 6th form/college applications.

When will I get my personal timetable for the summer GCSEs ?

Your personal timetable for the summer GCSE season will be available for you to view and download on Edulink. You may find it useful to highlight your subjects on the general timetable which can be found here.

How can I check I have been entered for the right exams?

Your Statement of Entry lists all the exams that you have been entered for. This information should be checked carefully once received to make sure you have been entered for the right exams at the right level or tier. If any of the information is incorrect, you must inform the Exams Team immediately.

You will also need to check that your name and date of birth are correct as it is your legal name that will be printed on your final GCSE certificate.

You can expect to receive your Statement of Entry from the school by Easter and will be required to sign an electronic form that this is correct.

When are the examinations?

The GCSE Exams start on the 8th May 2025 and run until the 19th June 2025. Some exams, such as Language Speaking, will be scheduled before the 8th May. The provisional full GCSE Timetable is available here. Your individual GCSE Timetable will be available to view and download on Edulink. It is essential that you check this regularly to ensure you are at the right place, at the right time on the right date. If you miss a public examination, it is NOT possible to re-take it at a later date.

Where will examinations be held?

Most exams will be held in the Main Hall and Gym, though some will take place in classrooms, mainly for those who require special arrangements. Your exam room location and seat number will be on your personal Timetable on Edulink and will also be printed on the board outside the Main Hall on the day of the exam. Please check Edulink before each exam in case of any changes.

What should I do if there is a clash on my timetable?

Some candidates may have two subjects which are timetabled at the same time by the Exam Boards. In this instance, the Exams Team will arrange for you to sit one paper, have a break and then sit the second paper. During the break you will be supervised and must not communicate with any other candidates (bring a snack or lunch if necessary).

The Exams Team will identify any clashes and the times of your exams will be available on your Individual Candidate Timetable on Edulink.

Will there by study leave?

Students are not granted official study leave at CPS. We instead offer a Bespoke GCSE Programme – the point at which students are no longer required to attend lessons in school will be communicated to the them by SLT.

What are the National Contingency Days?

Contingency dates are allocated in case of an event of national or significant local disruption to examinations in the UK. They are part of the Awarding Bodies’ standard contingency planning for examinations and candidates are expected to remain available in the event that the Awarding Body should invoke their contingency plan. Please make sure you are available on the following National Contingency Dates:

  • Wednesday 11th June 2025 (PM)
  • Wednesday 25th June 2025 (ALL DAY)

What time do examinations begin?

  • Morning exams will begin at 09:00 AM
  • Afternoon exams will begin at 1:30 PM

Check your individual Candidate Timetable carefully to ensure you are at the right place at the right time. Please arrive 10 minutes prior to the start of the exam – do not wait until the start time to arrive. Please remember that a delayed start or late entry to the examination room can impact your peers.

Some examinations will finish after 3.00pm and you will NOT be allowed to leave the exam room early, so you may wish to make alternative transport arrangements, as necessary.

What should I do with my bag during the exam?

If your exam is in the Main Hall or Gym, you must place bag into the Bag Cages located:

  • Main Hall: Gallery area
  • Gym: Rear of Gym

You will be allocated a cage to put your bag in – this information will be displayed on the board outside of the Main Hall on the morning of the exam.

If your exam is taking place elsewhere, please bring your bag into the room and put it at the back of the room, under the guidance of the invigilator.

What should I bring with me?

For a complete list of the recommended equipment for your exams, based on the subject, please see our Recommended Equipment List

  • Generally, you will need the following for all exams:
  • Two black ballpoint pen(s) – no blue or gel pens
  • Pencil(s), Pencil Sharpener, Eraser, highlighter and ruler
  • Water bottle (clear plastic with labels removed). No fizzy drinks
  • Transparent pencil case

For certain exams (e.g. science and maths):

  • Scientific calculator with lid removed (where the paper permits)
  • Geometry set

What am I NOT allowed into the examination room

  • Food/sweets (unless a special arrangement is in place for a medical condition, in which case they should be unwrapped in clear plastic bag), notes, books, calculator case/lid, correction fluid/pen
  • Any electronic equipment, such as iPods, earpods, headphones, watches, fitbits, mobile phones etc.
  • Watches of any description (including analogue)
  • Tissues; if you need tissues in the examination room, ask an invigilator and they will supply them to you

If you are found to have anything with you that is not allowed, even if you did not intend to use it, this will be reported to the Awarding Body. The normal practice in these circumstances is to disqualify the candidate from the paper, the subject or ALL subjects.

What should I wear?

You are required to wear school uniform throughout the whole examination period.

What else do I need to be aware of during the exam?

  • As soon as you enter the exam room there must be complete silence; you must not speak, distract, or communicate with other candidates in any way. Do not turn around, you must always face the front.
  • If you need anything before or during the exam, you must put up your hand and wait for an invigilator to come to you.
  • Do not write anything on your examination paper until instructed to do so by the invigilator.
  • You must write your answers in black ink. Pencils should be used only for diagrams and graphics. Highlighters should NOT be used on answer papers.
  • You are not allowed to use a mobile phone as a calculator.

Will there be revision booster sessions?

Subject teachers will arrange revision booster sessions prior to the exams, these may be immediately before, or the day before and will be communicated to students and parents via Edulink and Teams. These sessions will vary from recordings to in-person delivery. Information will be provided for the Calthorpe GCSE Programme.

What happens if I am ill?

If you are ill, you MUST still try to come in and sit the exam. Your parents must report your absence to the school on Edulink by 9am (or as early as possible) if you are not going to be able to attend. If you are unwell, but attend the exam, your parents must write a letter to the Exams Team, explaining the situation, accompanied by a doctor’s note.

What if I am late to an exam ?

If you arrive after the published start time of an exam, you may be allowed to enter the examination room and sit the examination. This is entirely at the discretion of the school. Please report to reception and wait for an exams officer or a member of SLT.

Can I go to the toilet during the exam?

You are not permitted to go to the toilet during the first 30 minutes of the exam, or the last 15 minutes. If you do need to use the toilet, please put your hand up and ask the invigilator who will arrange for you to be escorted to one.

What should I do if I think I have the wrong paper?

You will be asked to check your paper and tier before the exam starts. If you think something is wrong, put up your hand and tell the invigilator immediately, so that it can be rectified. Do not complete the paper if you believe it is incorrect; alert an invigilator.

Do I need to do anything if I have special exam arrangements?

If you have special exam arrangements in place, such as Extra Time, Rest Breaks, Colour Paper etc. please check that these have been applied at the start of each exam. Candidates with Extra Time, Rest Breaks and Moving Rest Breaks will have a coloured card on their desk so that this is immediately apparent.

Can I leave the exam room if I finish early?

You will not be allowed to leave an examination before the exam ends. If you are sure that you have finished the paper, use any time remaining to check over your answers. You must sit quietly facing the front. Do not make any noise or distract other candidates in any way, as this can be classed as malpractice.

How do I get my results?

GCSE results will be available for collection in the School Courtyard between 9.00am and 10.00am on Thursday 21st August 2025. Further details on the process for this will be sent out to you. We will not provide results over the phone, so please do not telephone the school.

Alternatively, your results will also be available to access via Edulink from 9am on Thursday 21st August 2025 in the Exams area. It is very important that you do not delete your Edulink account before this date.

If you would like someone else to receive your results on your behalf, you must send an email to teh school confirming this, or provide them with a signed letter.

What Post Results Services are available?

If you have concerns with your results, Exam Boards offer a chargeable post-results service, where access to question papers, mark schemes and Principal Examiner reports can be requested in order to help you understand why marks have been given. Some awarding bodies also offer a free ‘Priority Access to Scripts Service’. Please bear in mind that grades can go up as well as down, should these services be accessed. Further information regarding these services will be sent to you and are available to view on our website, on the Post Results Services Page