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School Games

This term, the School Games programme has been a fantastic opportunity to put physical activity and sport at the heart of our school community, encouraging young people to learn, grow, and achieve their personal best through competition. From September to December, an impressive 25 events have been hosted, with 16 of these taking place right here at Calthorpe. These events have provided students with valuable experiences to develop teamwork, resilience, and sportspersonship while enjoying the benefits of being active. Our Year 10 students; Paige, Poppy, Maia, Erin, Daisy, Megan and Zoe along with our Year 9 student Emilia have supported and run the various events at Calthorpe and offsite. They have shown tremendous commitment, responsibility, leadership skills and are fantastic ambassadors of sport.

We ended our Autumn term with a Christmas Themed Multi-Skills event for Year 3 and 4 pupils from 7 local primary schools here at Calthorpe! Paige, Poppy, Maia and Erin from Year 10 and Emilia in Year 9, assisted in organising and running numerous activities for 60 pupils. This was a School Games Event designed to encourage children to be physically active. Every activity had a Christmas theme and included a variety of fundamental movement skills. We even had a surprise visit from Santa, his elves and one of his reindeers! Our students were exemplary role models and created a positive and fun environment for the primary school pupils. One pupil said ‘this is the best day ever!’

We’re proud to be a key part of this programme and look forward to continuing to inspire our students through the power of sport.

Mrs Woods

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