011st June, 2020Exams - Y11 GCSE examinations Return to school Exams - Y9 |
022nd June, 2020Exams - Y11 GCSE examinations Exams - Y9 |
033rd June, 2020Exams - Y11 GCSE examinations Exams - Y9 |
044th June, 2020Exams - Y11 GCSE examinations Exams - Y9 |
055th June, 2020Exams - Y11 GCSE examinations Exams - Y9 |
066th June, 2020Exams - Y11 GCSE examinations Exams - Y9 |
077th June, 2020Exams - Y11 GCSE examinations Exams - Y9 |
088th June, 2020Exams - Y11 GCSE examinations Exams - Y9 |
099th June, 2020Exams - Y11 GCSE examinations Exams - Y9 |
1010th June, 2020Exams - Y11 GCSE examinations Exams - Y9 |
1111th June, 2020Exams - Y11 GCSE examinations Exams - Y9 |
1212th June, 2020Exams - Y11 GCSE examinations Exams - Y9 Race for Life Thorpe Park trip |
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1717th June, 2020Y9 Battlefields Trip departs |
1818th June, 2020Y9 Battlefields Trip |
1919th June, 2020Y9 Battlefields Trip returns |
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2323rd June, 2020INSET - Periods 5 and 6 |
2424th June, 2020Exams - Y11 GCSE Contingency Day Y11 Leavers' Assembly Trip - Junior District Athletics |
2525th June, 2020Y10 Berlin Trip |
2626th June, 2020Y10 Berlin Trip Y11 Prom - postponed until 18th September |
2727th June, 2020Y10 Berlin Trip |
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