Current Road Issues - Sept 24

16 September 2024

Hitches Lanes is open this morning!  The closure by Thames Water has been lifted, although the gas works remain and there are still temporary lights in place.  We believe the Dukes Mead closure has been delayed.

13 September 2024

We would like to thank all parents and carers who bring students to school by car for their continued support in light of the road closure on Hitches Lane. Your co-operation in ensuring that students arrive in time for morning tutor time is very much appreciated and allows for a positive start to the school day.

We have been informed that the works taking place at the Thames Water plant are likely to continue for the foreseeable future, and that Dukes Mead will be closed from Monday 16 September for at least one week. In view of that, we would like to give you advance notification of the impact that both are certain to have on key events held here at school and also at the Hart Leisure Centre.

On Tuesday 17 September, Everyone Active will be holding a very large conference which will coincide with the start of the school day. There is a large volume of traffic expected and the Hart Leisure Centre car park will not be available for use by parents.

Please could we ask that families consider arranging for students to walk to school wherever possible, or arrange to drop off at a convenient point outside of, and at a reasonable distance from the school site.

On Thursday 19 September, we will be holding our Open Evening event from 5.00pm-8.00pm. We have a staggered arrival time booking system in place which should alleviate bottlenecks in our car park however, if you are planning to attend this event with a Y6 child, please be mindful that there may be disruption on the main highways.

As a reminder, the school day will end at 2.10pm on Thursday 19 September ahead of the Open Evening. Alternative arrangements will be necessary for those students who ordinarily use the bus service and wish to leave the site at 2.10pm. We will however provide a supervised area for those students who need to stay in school until 3.00pm.  On the morning of Friday 20 September, there is a slightly later start - please ensure students are in school by 9am at the latest, they should go straight to their first lesson where they will be registered.

Once again, thank you for your support whilst the essential works are carried out. We will of course keep you updated wherever necessary.