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066th January, 2025First day of the Spring term |
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099th January, 2025Y9 -11 Music & Music Technology Wicked Musical Evening Trip |
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1414th January, 2025Year 11 Virtual Parents' Consultations Y9 Lego League Oxford Day Trip |
1515th January, 2025Y7 RE Winchester Cathedral Day Trip (1) |
1616th January, 2025Year 11 Virtual Parents' Consultations |
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2020th January, 2025Ski Novice Lessons Day Trip (No1) |
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2323rd January, 2025Y7 RE Winchester Cathedral Day Trip (2) |
2424th January, 2025Y11 GCSE Science Live Day Trip |
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2727th January, 2025Ski Novice Lessons Day Trip (No2) |
2828th January, 2025Y10 DT Workshops at London Museums Day Trip (No1) |
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3030th January, 2025Y9 Career Insight Visit to RAF Odiham Day Trip |
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