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UK Maths Challenge - May 21

Following on from the recent UK Maths Challenge, we are really pleased to hear that Amelie N in Year 10 has been invited to a virtual summer school because of her excellent score in the Intermediate Challenge - only 48 students across the country have been invited to attend.
Overall, we have also had a number of other successes in the UKMT competition: 120 students entered this year from Years 9, 10 and 11. Across the UK, 40% of students entered receive a certificate in the first round and we had just over 50% with 61 students gaining a certificate. Our students have achieved 10 Gold certificates, 15 Silver and 36 Bronze with a number of students just a few marks from getting a certificate or from the next level up. Additionally 11 students qualified for the next round, including another two students who have also received a Merit Certificate which is also impressive.
Mr John has given out certificates to these students in assemblies this week, well done to all those who took part!
Year 11:
188003576_738880860117111_4801591083005080849_n      188671543_838711050410366_1115326494594428165_n
Year 10:
187488989_512504866594332_5021149973928679693_n     187082742_819257058702767_6921699508507680895_n
Year 9:
188322978_476330513426263_4056646177362104177_n     187657568_2900020840267720_5495573992498023591_n
These challenges are the UK's most popular school competitions, with over 700,000 entries each year.  To be chosen to take part, teachers believe these students to be talented mathematicians in the top 18% of the UK, having the ability to think outside the box, applying their knowledge in new and different ways, and problem solving.  These skills are highly prized by employers and universities.  We are also very pleased to have students be invited to the follow on rounds due to their excellent results in the first round, 5 in Y11, and 1 each in Years 9 and 10.


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