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We are immensely proud of our Year 7 and 8 students who took part in the UKMT challenge this year. A large group gathered each week to work on problems in groups which created a wonderful buzz of engagement on the run up to the challenge. 

To even be chosen to take part in a UKMT challenge shows that your teachers believe you to be a talented mathematician in the top 18% of the UK. UKMT competitions mean having to be able to think outside the box. They are not about rote learning but applying knowledge in new and different ways and problem solving These skills are highly prized by employers and universities.

UKMT 1     UKMT 2

96 students took part and gained 12 Gold Certificates, 34 Silver and 25 bronze a 74% certificate rate, well above the 50% awarded nationally.

Additionally, 9 students with high scores from the Challenge were invited to the Kangaroo follow on rounds gaining Certificates of Qualification, with Jenson gaining a Certificate of Merit. We were very pleased to have two students to be amongst the 1200 nationally invited to take part in the Olympiad round.  Oscar has gained a Certificate of Merit putting him in the top 800 students in the country for year 7 and 8 and Xavier has gained a Certificate of Distinction and a Bronze medal, putting him in the top 200 Y7 and Y8 students nationally.

Well done to everyone who challenged themselves to take part!


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