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Y7 Wintershall - June 2024

This month we had another wonderful Year 7 school trip to the Wintershall Estate in Bramley, where students had the amazing opportunity to watch the renowned "Life of Christ" performance. Our students were captivated by the wonderful play, which brings the story of Christ to life with stunning performances and live animals, including donkeys, sheep, horses, and birds. A particular highlight was the ‘Feeding of the 5000’ where bread was thrown to all the children in the audience! The beautiful grounds of the Wintershall Estate provided a perfect backdrop for this immersive experience.

The children were beautifully behaved throughout the trip, reflecting their engagement and respect for the performance. With thanks to Mr Lugg, Mr Boby and Mrs Bone for their support in making this trip possible and ensuring it was a memorable and educational experience for our Year 7 students.

Ms Wayman

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